Monday, September 30, 2019

Employee Theft

†¢Explain the reasoning behind employee theft. Employee theft could be a result of many issues that arise at the place of employment. Low morale at the workplace is a major reason why businesses suffer from low production and stealing at the workplace, especially if the employee feels that the business or company has wronged or mistreated them in some way. Another reason would be if the employee feels that they are underpaid or under-appreciated for their performance. In sales, lack of control over inventory makes it easier to steal because the employer does not have preventive measures to avoid it. Preventive measures are crucial to reducing the risk of employee theft. If preventive measures are not existent then the opportunity to steal is very high. The best way to control employee theft is to set policies and guidelines regarding the issue. If there are no set consequences to employee theft then employees will continue to steal, because they think that they won’t be punished. †¢Explain ways the culture of our capitalists society encourages attitudes like those Sheehy describes. I would say a culture of technological revolution and an ever expanding ‘action-packed’ business world, along with an image shaped by a culture of video games and action movies has definitely contributed to encouraging attitudes like those Sheehy describes. As it is stated in the text, â€Å" The college students in particular, reports Sheehy, believed that a no- holds- barred, trample- over- anybody, get- what –you- want approach is the necessary and glamorous road to success. This relates directly to the John Rawls notion of justice as fairness. Rawls lists the following among the equal basic liberties: â€Å"freedom of thought and liberty of conscience; the political liberties and freedom of association, as well as the freedoms specified by the liberty and integrity of the person; and finally, the rights and liberties covered by the rule of law. † This notion is characteristic of the capitalist society. There are many contributing factors surrounding employee theft. I think that the desire to steal is a direct result of your moral values. Sheehy stated, employee theft accounts for 50 percent more revenue loss for retailers than shoplifting. So what’s causing the employees to steal? Some employees may steal because the opportunity presents itself, others may steal because it’s part of their DNA, and some may still because they feel that they may be underpaid therefore; they are entitled to more and will compensate themselves. For example, I have a friend that was a Shift Manager at Popeye’s and she was recently fired for stealing money. I asked her to rationalize her actions; she stated that she was getting underpaid and was upset because the company recently hired a new Shift Manager with a higher salary. She also, stated that she was very flexible, worked long hours if needed, and always helped others with their tasks and duties. Bottom line, she felt that the company did not value her hard work and dedication; therefore she stole the money to even the score. She is now looking for a job and her unemployment was denied due to theft. I believe the employees that steals from their workplace, did not take time out to think about the consequences if their caught. In summary, the attitudes Sheehy shared in his report is evident in most businesses today. Some people feel that they will do enough just to get by until something else comes along. Others may feel unappreciated and underpaid, which may cause them to steal from the company to make up the difference. The implications of the work ethics Sheehy reported in the article will have a negative impact on future American businesses, which may cause businesses to close and an increase in corporate fraud. If society does not change the attitudes, we will be a nation without purpose. Having strong work ethics and a mindset of appreciation for the workforce/ environment will help shape our future. Would you report an overpayment to your manager or would you pocket the money if a customer forgot to get his/her change? As mentioned earlier, Sarah reported the overpayment to her manager and coincidently the customer returned back to the store for her change 3 hours later. Sarah displayed a level of integrity and appreciation for her workplace. I believe we still have hope. Sheeny, J. (2010). A New Work Ethic? In W. H. Shaw, Business Ethics (p. 164). http://www. ifpo. org/articlebank/employee_theft. html Explain the reasoning behind employee theft. Sheehy reported that the number cause of employee theft is peer pressures, teenagers are been forced to steal in order to become part of the pack, they feel like they are not been compensated accordingly with their jobs to the nature of their jobs so they feel like it is their given right to get what is owed to them. Also because they can get away with it, it is hard to prove something when no one is willing to tell the truth because they all do it. Explain ways the culture of our capitalists society encourages attitudes like those Sheehy describes. People can actually do what they want to do, if you have a job that you hate, you will not be able to motivate yourself to perform the way you suppose to. On my email signature a work I have a quote saying â€Å"find something you love to and you will never have to work again a day in your life†. It is important that your job should be a hobby, something you are willing to do even if you are not getting paid, but the economy is causing for more people just to take any kind of job in order to survive even if they hate what they are doing.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Tips for Pam and Sue

Multiple Regression Project The is the only deliverable in Week Four. It is the case study titled â€Å"Locating New Pam and Susan’s Stores,† described at the end of Chapter 12 of your textbook. The case involves the decision to locate a new store at one of two candidate sites. The decision will be based on estimates of sales potential, and for this purpose, you will need to develop a multiple regression model to predict sales. Specific case questions are given in the textbook, and the necessary data is in the file named pamsue. ls. Assuming that you are reasonably comfortable with using Excel and its Analysis ToolPak add-in, you should expect to spend approximately 2-3 hours on computer work, and another 3-4 hours on writing the report. It is a good idea not to wait until the last day to do the entire project and write the report. Content of the report consists of your answers to the case questions, plus computer output(s) to support your answers. Please keep the entir e report – including computer outputs – under 8 printed pages.Thus, your write up should be concise, and you need to be selective in deciding which computer outputs to include. You can use your discretion in formatting your write up, but use good writing practices and try to make it look professional (more on the report format below). Project Hints and Guidelines It is assumed that you have access to 1. Microsoft Excel with Analysis ToolPak (do NOT use stepwise regression for this project even if it runs on your computer). 2. Data file named pamsue. xls in the DataSets. zip folder.Basic Excel skills you need are the ability to construct histograms and scatterplots, to create dummy variables, copying or moving columns of data in a spreadsheet, and the ability to use the Correlation and Regression facilities under Data Analysis (available when Analysis ToolPak has been added in). Remember that Analysis ToolPak requires contiguous ranges of data for correlation or regress ion. 1. Open the file pamsue. xls. First, move the column for sales so that it is the rightmost column (it is now to the right of comtype).If the old sales column remains but appears empty, delete that column. 2. Obtain a scatterplot of the sales on the vertical axis against comtype on the horizontal axis. This will give you a good idea of whether different categories of comtype appear to differ in sales. In the scatterplot, you should see that sales in the middle categories 3 – 6 are in similar ranges on the vertical axis, but 1 and 2 have somewhat higher sales, and category 7 appears to have somewhat lower sales.This implies that, when you create dummy variables for comtype, dummy variables for categories 1, 2, 7 are likely to be statistically significant in the multiple regression model (and dummy variables for categories 3 – 6 are likely to be not significant). Although it would be desirable to also obtain the scatterplot of sales against every other X variable, yo u can omit these if you do not have time, and use the correlation coefficients instead (see step 4 below). 3. Insert seven new columns immediately to the left of comtype, and in these columns, create seven dummy variables to represent the seven categories of site types.Name them comtype1, comtype2, †¦ , comtype7. At this point, you have 40 columns of data in the spreadsheet with comtype and sales in the last two columns. 4. Use the Correlation facility under Data Analysis to obtain the correlation coefficients between sales and all of the other variables except store and comtype (why exclude comtype? ). This will produce a matrix of correlation coefficients between sales and every X variable, as well as between every pair of X variables. To make them easy to read, you may want to format the cells to show numbers with 2 or 3 decimal places. . Write down the names of 10 quantitative X variables having the highest correlations with sales. From the correlations worksheet, move to t he data worksheet. Select the following columns: sales, plus the 10 quantitative X variables you wrote down, plus comtype1, comptype2, comptype7 (here, you could include up to three more dummy variables, but they are likely to be statistically not significant, so you can save some work – see 2. above). Copy these onto a blank worksheet. Make sure there are no blank columns in within the data range in the new worksheet.Note: To prevent unexpected changes in copying data when formulas are involved, use Paste Special with Values selected when pasting data into a new worksheet. 6. Use Regression under Data Analysis to obtain the regression output table for sales using the variables in the columns you had selected, making sure that Labels and New Worksheet Ply checkboxes are checked, and leave the other boxes unchecked. On the name tab of the output sheet (at the bottom), change the name of the worksheet to Model1. 7. Using appropriate statistics in the regression output table, se e if any of the X variables is statistically not significant.If there is at least one insignificant X variable, write down the most insignificant variable, move to the data sheet and delete that column, and re-run Regression without that variable. Repeat until there are no insignificant X variables. Name each output sheet Model2, Model3, and so on for easy identification. 8. When you get to a model in which all remaining X variables are statistically significant, you will have found the final regression equation for predicting sales. Re-run the last model, but this time checking the Residuals checkbox.This will reproduce the last regression table, but below it, you will see columns for Predicted sales and Residuals. Obtain a scatterplot of Residuals against Predicted sales. Also obtain a histogram of Residuals. 9. Use the final regression equation you found in the last step to predict sales at the two sites under consideration. You have just completed all necessary computer work for your project report. Now you have to write a report to present your answers to the case questions (see pages 388-389 of your textbook), and the reasons for those answers.In terms of physical organization, a reasonable format for the report is described below. Content and Format of the Project Report Cover page Include the report title, your name, course, section, facilitator, and date. Go to a new page, and use the following subsection headings for the report. Introduction One paragraph (two at most) describing the subject and context of the project. Data One or two paragraphs describing the data in plain English (number of variables, number of observations, units for data values, etc. ) Results and Discussion This is the main body of the report.It is where you will describe what you have done, what you found, and answer the case questions with the reasons for your answers. These reasons should be based on the analytical work you have done using Excel. Depending on how concisely yo u write and how many tables and graphs you include, this page could be 3-4 pages long. Conclusion One or two paragraphs discussing any remaining issues (e. g. shortcomings and possible improvements of the analyses in the report). In the Results and Discussion section, you should include a few informative tables or graphs derived from your computer analyses.DO NOT include anything that is not absolutely necessary. DO NOT include entire worksheets form Excel, but only the parts you need. For example, do not include the entire correlation matrix found in step 4 above, but you can make a small table to show the 10 variables having the highest correlations with sales. You should include the scatterplot of sales against comtype, relevant portion of the final regression output table, the final regression equation, and the two residual graphs you obtained in step 8. Please keep the total length of the report under 8 printed pages (5 to 6 pages should be sufficient in most cases).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business strategy of US Airways Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business strategy of US Airways - Case Study Example US Airways initiated a merger with American Airways which was completed in 2013. The merger is a cost leadership strategy in addition to boosting profits and strategically positioning themselves for stiff competition with other industry leaders. According to analyst (Staff, 2013), the company can benefit from $600 million cost reduction under the new deal. US Airways employed a no-frills strategy to lure cost sensitive customers. Though its West Coast flights are within the United States, it operates a full slate of European flights from its East Coast hubs. US Airways has also employed differentiation strategies in a bid to attract a certain segment of the market. US Airways has considerably few international flights but is concentrated in Charlotte, N.C., Phoenix and Philadelphia. Unlike American Airlines, US Airways has little presence in Los Angeles with only a strong presence in outlying airports such as Ontario, Burbank and Long Beach. The merger is a strategy that will make US. Airways presence in Los Angeles significantly felt hence a boost on its performance. Under the new merger, the Group president Scott Kirby indicates that they anticipate targeting corporate customers as they can spend thrice as much as leisure clients, qualifying them as a lucrative segment on the airline market (Staff,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Biomedical ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Biomedical ethics - Essay Example Joe fulfills the age requirement of Medicaid’s rationing scheme because he is below age 65 and unless he did not fulfill its other fundamental requirements, the Medicaid official could have denied him benefits unfairly (Beauchamp & Childress, 2013). Dr. Adams fulfilled the requirements of the biomedical principle of beneficence when she went out of her way to attend to Joe while at the scene of the accident. She demonstrated the principle of respect for persons when she attempted to rescue Joe who was incapable of self-determination immediately after the accident. Both Dr. Adams and the emergency personnel in the ambulance demonstrated non-maleficence when they helped save Joe’s life because they did not harm him even when his condition exposed him to mistreatment and harm. Facts provide that Dr. Benson had performed substandard surgeries before Joe’s case. If indeed the Southwest Hospital knew about Benson’s quality of service, it was immoral to have allowed him to operate on Joe (Beauchamp & Childress, 2013). The motorist who cut Joe off might have been reckless. The motorist should have been cautious when driving knowing that obstructing others on the traffic could cause an accident. Recklessness implies that the actor (the other motorist) foresaw the danger that could accrue from his action but did not take precautions to remove the danger. There was an element of negligence in the way that Southwest Hospital handled Joe’s case. Negligence embodies the issues of duty, breach, causation, and damages. Given Joe’s condition after the accident, the hospital had the duty to protect and rescue his life. Assigning Dr. Benson to Joe’s operation breached the hospital’s duty to protect their patient’s (Joe’s) life and wellbeing. It is possible that Dr. Benson’s lack of care during operation is what led to Joe’s hemorrhage and hospitalization thereafter. The hospital could therefore be charged for the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ibn-Sina Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ibn-Sina - Research Paper Example The Samanid dynasty ruled so well until the 10th century when it began weakening. As such, by the time Avicenna was born, Nuh ibn Mansur had taken over Sultan in Bukhara, though he was struggling to maintain control of the empire. Ibn Sina was lucky to come from one of the influential families in the country. At the time of his birth, his father was the governor of the village. As a result, he was able to receive good education with the help of his father. He was also lucky to have grown up alongside some of the most learned people in the country. His biography indicates that Ibn Sina was a very clever child right from his childhood (Khan 3). At the age of ten, he was not only able to memorize and recite the Quran, but was also able to memorize most of the Arabic poetry. At only thirteen years of age, Ibn Sina began studying medicine. To the amazement of many, he was able to begin treating patients after just three years of his study. Apart from medicine, he also studied metaphysics and logic, being taught by some of the best lecturers of his time (Goodman 3). However, being passionate of knowledge, he was able to further his studies on all areas on his own. In his autobiography, we learn that Ibn Sina was mostly self-taught even though he also received help from others at crucial times. Ibn Sina remained unknown to many for a very long time. It is reported that his knowledge and skills in medicine is what made him known to the public. In this regard, Goodman (4) shows that his skills in medicine made him receive recognition from Samanid ruler Nuh Ibn Mansur and the rest of the nation. His medicine publications immediately proved of great value to the nation and the beyond. For example, his first major work, the canon (al-Qanun fi’l-Tibb), was adopted by many universities in Europe as a medical textbook (Heath 23). Like in the European countries, the Islamic world also used the canon as a medical textbook until the early modern period. After the success of his first major work, the canon, Ibn Sina came up with another publication, the Cure (al-Shifa’), which also had a huge influence upon European scholars of the time, like Thomas Aquinas. As a metaphysical philosopher of being, Ibn Sina was a philosopher with a lot of interest in understanding his existence in the world with regard to his contingency (Janssens 31). In fact, his philosophies were mainly rooted in trying to build a coherent and comprehensive system that conforms with the religious exigencies of the Islamic culture. It is for this reason that many people regard him as the first major Islamic philosopher. The most evident is his philosophical articulation of God as the Necessary Existence, from which his theory of the soul, cosmos, and intellect is based (Khan 14). In addition, Ibn Sina articulated a development in the philosophical enterprise in Islamic tradition, as opposed to apologetic issues of concern for building the relationship between philosophy and r eligion in an attempt to make a philosophical sense of key religious doctrines, as well as analyze and interpret the Quran (Goodman 6). Several researches have been conducted in the recent past in an attempt to locate Ibn Sina within the Neoplatonic and Aristotelian tradition. However, Ibn Sina strongly rejected the pre-existent theory, despite accepting Neoplatonic epistemology. In Islamic sciences, Avicenna wrote several short stories commenting on the selected verses of the Quran and chapters

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Facts and Fiction in the Novel - Year of Living Dangerously Essay

Facts and Fiction in the Novel - Year of Living Dangerously - Essay Example The writer relates to events that happened in the year 1965. In relation to facts and fiction found within the book, there is a lot to be drawn from the novel. Some elements push the reader into specific interpretive paths. Although factual in mode, it contains a mythological framework, which provides a set of possible explanations from the novel. More importantly is that Indonesia culture does not merely serve as an oriental background for the adventures of journalists from the west. Indigenous elements of Indonesia dominate and structure the work. Furthermore, the oriental element in the novel works as the missing part of the journalist from the west, thus an absent spiritual component of the accident. In comparison with facts and fiction, the novel scarcely touches on political issues of the west. It rather concentrates on the theme of cultural clash. Another point is the choice of narrator. Billy Kwan, a foreign journalist, replaces cookie. In comparison with the screenwriter, Billy does not straddle two worlds but also combines elements of both East and West because of his mixed parentage. This is considered an Australian topic, in the context of the colonial heritage of the country, and day to day from the rest of the world and thus plays as the central metaphors of the novel. This adds a new direction to the story. His role is to help others overcome their inability and be able to see and understand other cultures. The lead character in the novel is Guy Hamilton, an Anglo-Australian journalist. Though representing the world of reality and Western logic, he tries to understand the imaginative world. There is an arising of puppet motif - both politically and personally - represented by President Sukarno and Billy respectively, with their attempt to manipulate the people. Sukarno creates an image of unity between the opposites.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Risk - Essay Example The action taken dispels negativity, creating enhanced cohesion and saving the group. Goleman & Boyatzis (2013) contribute that a self-managed team is a team that learns and manages itself through collective responsibility in managing the group. Every member of the group raises questions about the methods and procedures adopted to steer the group to a common preconceived direction. Members share the vision and take charge of all activities including reprimanding other members to stick to the group norms in case of deviation. In self-managed groups, new ideas are protected by members and negative criticisms avoided encouraging the innovativeness, continuous creativity and happiness among all members. In such a team, there is enhanced creativity and continual reinforcement of resonance. Empathetic team is one, which all the group associates are cognizant of the other team affiliate’s emotions. Members of the team put themselves in the shoes of their fellow team mates and thinking beyond own concerns. Selfishness is not experienced at all in such teams because members think in favor of one another and concentrate on building relationships through socializing with teammates. Members work hand in hand and involve extensive consultation in all undertakings with no limits irrespective of social or educational levels held. According to Perkins (2000), it is appropriate to take risks after analysis of the specifics of the prospective risk. Analysis of the risk helps in the creation of awareness and putting a fallback strategy in place in case the risk actualizes. When the risk involved is a long-term possibility with the effects not likely to cause huge losses, it is worth taking the risk. After reviewing the worst-case scenario collectively and assessment is made to conclude that the risk makes sense. Contrarily if it does not make

Monday, September 23, 2019

Finance Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Finance Principles - Essay Example It can be explained as, if one of the asset in the portfolio is giving negative return, then it would not have a significant impact on the overall return of the portfolio because the other assets might be performing well and thus making up for the asset which is not performing well. Diversification helps an investor to have consistent return on its portfolio over a period of time. An investor who is risk-averse in nature would always strive to have a completely diversified portfolio in order to minimize risks associated with it. Quantitative measure of portfolio is possible with the advent of several portfolio selection theories. Using those quantitative measures one can have the benefits of diversification to the maximum amount possible. The diversification strategy proposed by Markowitz is based on the covariance between the returns generated by the assets included in a portfolio. The diversification theory proposed by Markowitz is related to the risks associated with the portfolio as a whole and not the risk associated with any asset in isolation. Markowitz used variance as a measure of risk. Markowitz tried to develop a diversified portfolio by including those assets in the portfolio which are not perfectly positively correlated with each other, so that the variance in return of the portfolio is minimized without affecting much on the return of the portfolio.1 Mean – Variance Diversification Mean – Variance diversification portfolio theory utilizes marginal analysis as a means of achieving optimal level of diversified portfolio. It is based on the fact that diversification should be enhanced until and unless marginal cost is less than the marginal benefit. The advantage of this theory is the minimization of risk. The costs that are considered in this theory are holding costs and transaction costs. The standard deviation of the returns generated through the combination of assets is used as the risk measure in case of this theory of diversificat ion. Marginal benefits associated with diversification of portfolio get increased with decrease in correlation between asset returns. On diversification of the portfolio the expected value of standard deviation goes on decreasing. Optimal diversification depends on the expected correlations between each pair of assets in the portfolio, the buying costs of each of the assets, the holding costs of the assets and expected premium on equity used as asset in the portfolio.2 Risks associated with any portfolio can either be unsystematic risks or systematic risks. As discussed earlier risk gets reduced with diversification. However, diversification reduce risk only to a certain level, beyond which it is not possible to reduce risk because changes in the market conditions as a whole affects in variation of prices of all the assets included in the portfolio and it is not possible to reduce or eliminate this variability beyond a certain level. Hence it is necessary to divide risk into two par ts, namely systematic risk and unsystematic risk. The risk which represents that portion of the variability in asset caused by the market movements are known as systematic risk. This type of risk is unavoidable in nature and is sometimes termed as beta as mentioned in the Capital Asset Pricing

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Effects on Cyberbullying Essay Example for Free

The Effects on Cyberbullying Essay Studies show that cyberbullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyberbullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louder† has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The growth of communication technologies is widening the way bully’s can torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology is not going anywhere, so we need to figure out a way to put an end to cyberbullies. Cyberbullying is becoming a major problem and we all need to do our parts in figuring out what can be done to stop cyberbullies in their tracks. Cyberbullies will continue to be a threat to today’s youth until we take preventive measures against them. Before putting a stop to cyberbullying we must understand why and how a cyberbully works. After researching and analyzing informative articles on the topic, this research paper aims to inform and answer questions such as: what a cyberbully is, how they work, whom they target, and how to stop them. By understanding how a cyberbully works we will be able to better protect youth populations as technology grows. Just about half of U. S. students are impacted by traditional bullying each school day (Ross). Cyberbullying is technology powered and as technology expands it is getting harder and harder to see and prevent bullying from happening. Bullying over the Internet makes it easy for the bully to get away with their destructive behavior without any consequences. The article, â€Å"What is Cyberbullying: Bullying Comes Home† states, â€Å"Bullying is not new but thanks to the Internet teens are now being bullied at home. Online harassment is a serious problem† (Hardcaslte). Although the Internet has opened many doors to new opportunities, it has unfortunately taken bullying to another level. As the article, â€Å"Cyber Bullying Facts† states, â€Å"as the number of households with Internet access approaches saturation and cell phone ownership expands to the 100 million mark, so do the ways kids bully each other† (Ross). Anything sent out into cyberspace is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to remove. Therefore, being cyberbullied can sometimes be much more severe than traditional bullying. Ann Frisen in he article, â€Å"Cyberbullying: A Growing Problem† states, â€Å"This type of bullying can be more serious than conventional bullying. At least with conventional bullying the victim is left alone on evenings and weekends† (ScienceDaily). What exactly is ‘cyberbulling’? The author of the article, â€Å"What is Cyberbullying: Bullying Comes Home† explains it as, â€Å"any harassment that occurs through the Internet† (Hardcastle). Cyber-bulling messages can be sent through text, e-mails, instant messaging, web pages, blogs, chat rooms, or any other information communication technologies. For example, Michigan’s assistant attorney general, who is a grown adult, has been harassing the University of Michigan’s openly gay student body president. Andrew Shirvell, assistant Michigan attorney general, created a blog in April of 2010 targeting Chris Armstrong, University of Michigan’s student body president. On this blog he has posted many rude, untrue, and unnecessary comments towards Chris Armstrong, along with distorted pictures. According to the article, â€Å"Assistant Michigan AG targets openly gay college student† the author states, â€Å"Shirvell has published blog posts that accuse Armstrong of engaging in ‘flagrant sexual promiscuity’ with another male member of the student government; sexually seducing and influencing ‘a previously conservative male student’ so much so that the student, according to Shirvell, ‘morphed into a proponent of the radical homosexual agenda’† (Steward). Mr. Shirvell is clearly a first-hand example of a cyber-bully and this article goes to show that it’s not just kids bullying each other in school anymore; it’s much bigger than that. There have been at least three teen suicides in September after experiencing homophobic cyber-bullying. Who are the main victims targeted by cyber-bullies? According to the article, â€Å"Cyber-bullying Facts† Middle school and High school girls are twice as likely as boys to display cyber-bullying behaviors in the form of email, text, and chat, and only 20% of cyber-bullying victims tell their parents about the incident (Ross). Cyber-bullies target students, coworkers, neighbors, and even friends. Lately, there have been many reports of suicides related to bullying. For example, the recent death of Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers University, is an extreme case of cyber-bullying. The article, â€Å"Rutgers student death: Has Digital Age made students callous† informs, â€Å"Mr. Clementi killed himself on September 22nd, 2010. According to prosecutors, a few days earlier his roommate, Dharun Ravi, and another student, Molley Wei, used a Web cam to secretly transmit images of a sexual encounter between Clementi and another man. They intended to do so again on September 21† (Khadaroo). With cyber-bullying a bully can pick on people with less risk of being caught. People who you would not see bullying someone in school don’t have a problem using the Internet to bully their victims because you can’t see their initial reaction. Bullying cannot only hurt the victim emotionally it can also cause them to have frequent headaches, indigestion and vomiting, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, paranoia, and suicide. In Tyler Clementi’s case he was so overwhelmed by what had been done to him that he jumped off of the George-Washington Bridge. It is important for college campuses to promote tolerance for differences, including homosexuality. From the article, â€Å"Rutgers student death: Has Digital Age made students callous† the author states, â€Å"We are tempted to think that social-media technology drove the behavior, but as a truly ethical matter, the behavior has to be and should be considered human-driven, not technology driven† (Foulkrod). Harrisburg University of Science and Technology in Pennsylvania recently blocked the use of social media for a week to prompt discussions about its role in everyday life. Nobody wants to see this happen again; therefore, we need to come up with a solution to the problem. Some observers of today’s youth and media culture believe that today’s media environment could be desensitizing young people to the hurtful effects of their actions. What can be done to prevent cyber-bullying? Parents can start by talking specifically about cyber-bullying and explain that is harmful and unacceptable behavior. Talk regularly with your child about on-line activities he or she is involved in, keep your home computer in easily viewable places, such as a family room or kitchen, and consider installing a filtering or blocking system (Ross). Also, you can â€Å"outline your expectations for responsible online behavior and clearly explain the consequences for inappropriate behavior† (Ross). The most important thing that can be done to stop a cyber-bully harassing you is to just not respond to the bully. Do not play into the bully’s games. Ignore the bully and tell a parent or teacher. While ignoring the bullying make sure to save all of the evidence so that if police need to be involved you will have it ready. In the article, â€Å"What is Cyberbullying: Bullying Comes Home† states, â€Å"Repeated or excessive harassment via email, forums or chat rooms is harassment and should involve the police. Threats of violence should also be reported to the police. Try to save all messages as evidence† (Hardcastle). Treat a cyber-bully like you would any other bully and they will lose their power. Another important way to prevent cyber-bullying attacks is if you see something going on don’t just be a bystander and let it happen, report it before anyone gets hurt. In conclusion, with the expansion of the Internet and social networking technologies cyber-bullying is becoming more common and more severe. The information presented in this research paper should give people a better understanding of what a cyber-bully is, how harmful they can really be, and how to prevent cyber-bullying from happening. This paper can be used to help victims realize they are not alone and should not give into a bully’s dangerous behaviors. This research paper is to inform society about what has been going on lately and how unacceptable and dangerous it is. Kids are killing themselves over photos, web posts, and videos posted by bullies using the Internet. Cyber-bullying is technology powered and will only get worse as technology becomes more widespread. Hopefully, this paper will help to inform today’s youth and parents. If you see any kind of bullying happening in front of you, stop it if possible, and then report it.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Statement of Intent Essay Example for Free

Statement of Intent Essay My interest in the Fashion Marketing program at Parsons, was innited in college during the time we were starting to study the different fields of marketing. Since I was little I’ve always had a very big interest in the fashion world, observing the different trends and how every country has different styles is fascinating for me. My biggest role model fashion wise is Oscar de la Renta, I identify myself with him because we come from from the same country where the fashion industry can still be considered in diapers. He has known how to overcome the many obstacles that have been presented to him throughout his career, obstacles like the lack of support at the beggining, or the credibility he had to win through his career. Marketing has become the biggest interest in my life, through out my career I have seen the difference that exists between some markets and others, this field is evolving and fashion is a inmense part of it. With the fashion marketing program I will learn the relation betweeen design, merchandising and marketing and how in the connection of these depends whether you succeed entering a market. After acquiring these knowledge my interest is merelly creating my own store, which has been my dream for a long time now. I consider I have an great eye for spotting new trends, and in my country people are very imposed to fashion because there are not a lot of options of where to shop, and with my store I could give them a new option. I believe Parsons is the best place to study, because of it’s amazing credentials aswell of the great curriculum it offers in Fashion Marketing and other areas. The profesors have been said to be the best in the world in there differente specialities, and I want to receive the best education and this way make me an Amazing Profesional. Aswell as it’s locations is a great factor, Parsons is located in what many would call the heart of fashion, is in those NYC streets that many trends come to life, and many new desginers become recognized. It’s fascinating mixture of cultures makes of it, the best place to learn how the fashion marketing world really works.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analysing Sources Of Theology

Analysing Sources Of Theology Theology is the progress of exploration and thinking that leads to the interpretation of doctrines. Theology is progress rather than result. The result is doctrine. Good theology draws upon a number of sources. There has been significant discussion within the Christian belief with reference to the identity of these sources, also their relative importance for theological analysis. Generally speaking, important sources have been recognized within Christian theology: Scripture, reason, tradition, experience and creation. Each of these sources has a distinct role to make good theology. Also another important main source of Christian theology is Jesus Christ. I will discuss how Immanuel and the Purpose of Creation uses these sources, and whether this is good theology. The first major source of theology is Scripture. Scripture is recognized as authoritative for Christian theology. Most Christians agree with the authority of Scripture, because this is a foundational Christian theology. Also God comes to us through Scripture. It is the foundation and norm for all Christian preaching and teaching. In Wilkins, the author mentions New Testament references of Immanuel (14 evidences in the New Testament). However, there is a only one the Old Testament Scripture mentioned (Proverbs 8:30-31). The Immanuel in the article means, God with us (Matt 1: 28). There are several references in the Old Testament not mentioned in the article regarding this concept: Isaiah 63:11, Micah 3:8; Haggai 2:5 mention that Gods Spirit dwells within his people. And also in the book of Judges, there are many Judges who live with God. The Old Testament is a preparation for God with us in the coming of Christ. The author does not mention any of this, but only mentions the Incarnatio n Jesus. The second major source of theology is reason. This assumed an exceptional importance, and the significance of reason for Christian theology has always been recognized. In the article, there are several theologians ideas: Thomas Aquinas; John Calvin; Jim Packer; Duns Scotus; Colin Gunton. But the problem is that they have different views of the Incarnation. Thomas Aquinas says, There was no cause of Christs coming into the world except to save sinners. But John Calvin says, Even though there had been no need of his interposition to redeem the human race, would still have become man. It seems to face two choices: either Jesus becomes incarnate for sinner, or Jesus becomes incarnate for his people no matter what the reason. It makes it confusing and difficult to understand. According to Olsons thinking, reason is logic, the rule of non-contradiction. However, this article seems to ignore this. The third major source is tradition. Tradition is the consensual belief of the Church that began to be developed in the second and third centuries. Theology is based upon Scripture, and tradition refers to a traditional way of interpreting Scripture. The article only quotes Catholic and Protestant theology to comment on Calvin who was a well-known Reformer. The author does not reflect enough voices of the Christian community. Tradition is the consensus of Christian faith in common belief. We need to access it as the voice of the Christian community to understand tradition. If we follow the authority of any one theologian or part of the Christian community blindly, this is not a good model of tradition. The fourth major source of theology is experience. Experience is the human experience, not personal experience, particularly the religious experience in the Christian community. Experience is the most uncomfortable and unclear source. Nevertheless, experience has to provide a foundational source for Christian theology, and Christian theology provides an interpretive outline within human experience.The author mentions ecofeminism. Ecofeminism is a social and political movement somewhere between environmentalism and feminism. However, this is not the full human experience but only this one particular experience. Furthermore it is not religious experience. The fifth major source of theology is creation. Creation is that work of the triune God. The article suggests that the Incarnation was Gods purpose for creation to join it in his son, and the Incarnation God is directly involved in the sufferings of his creation. However, Karl Barth says This becoming cannot be brought into connection with creation. It cannot be regarded as one of its evolutionary possibilitiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Gods Word becoming a creature must be regarded as a new creationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ it is a sovereign divine act, and it is an act of lordship different from creation. Hence, God and Jesus are not prisoners, but they are redeemers. The author expresses the Incarnation only as the pain of Creation. Jesus is not just a creature. however, Jesus is also the Creator. This article, therefore, underestimates Jesus the Creator in the Incarnation. Lastly, good theology is centred on Jesus Christ. Jesus says I am the way, the truth, and the life .No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). There is no way to know God except through Jesus Christ, if there is a way to know God except through Jesus Christ, this is not the truth. Our purpose to study theology is to know the way, the truth and the life of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the lens to see God. Wilkins says Christ is the completion of all Gods revelation in the past. This article mentions Pauls declaration there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live (1Cor 8:6). Wilkins indicates the importance of the immense basis of the linking of Christ and creation. From this point of view, this article embraces good theological point. In conclusion, Olson says A Christian theology is one that arises out of Scripture and points to Jesus Christ, is generally consistent with the consensual tradition of Christian thought, and is logically coherent with other Christian beliefs and illumines the shared experience of Christians. Good theology is reasonable. It also speaks from a biblical understanding of God, Human, and the Creation. Good theology is not fixed to a single Christian belief. Good theology does not break a balance, it speaks effectively to all. In addition, good theology tells every portion of human experience. It includes economics, science, philosophy, politics, history, and so on. Most of all, Jesus is the main character and hero in good theology. This article does not show us a good balance among these sources well, and also it is not easy to understand. Nevertheless, this article is centred in Jesus Christ as main character and hero. Hence, this article holds enough qualification to be called good theo logy.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Communication Over The Internet, And The Effects It Will Have On Our E

Communication Over The Internet, and The Effects It Will Have On Our Economy Thesis: Communication over the internet is growing at a rapid rate, this rate of growth may destroy the monopoly taking place with the major telecommunication giants. In this day and age we as a global community are growing at a super fast rate. Communication is a vital tool which aids us in breaking the distance barrier. Over the past decades there has been a monopoly in the telecommunications business, but now with the power of the internet, and super fast data transfer rates people can communicate across the globe and only pay local rates. Â · In essence the local phone companies almost promote this. - When you log on to the internet chances are that you are logging on through a local internet provider. You will use your computer modem to dial up and create and data link with your net provider. Where does the net provider get his super fast net connection from? He gets the connection from the local phone company. Â · How logging on the internet is almost like logging right onto the local telephone company. -It all boils down to, the local phone company approving the use of the internet for any means. Â · How phone companies are going to bring them selves down. -I feel that because of this phone companies will be the cause to their own downfall. Â · Methods of communication over the net -There are many ways of communicating over the net: Inter relay chat (text only) -Video/Audio: there are many ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Free Essays on Terrorism: The Threat of Usamah Bin-Ladin :: September 11 Terrorism Essays

The Threat of Usamah Bin-Ladin This essay was written in 1999 when I was a student at the University of Kentucky. My college roommate and I often debated our opposing views on foreign affairs. My roommate, animatedly felt that ridding the world of nuclear weapons would gradually end all violence between states. Although idealistically I would have liked to agree, I had to contend that war would never end as long as religion was central to the beliefs of the soldiers fighting. Sheikh Usamah Bin-Muhammad Bin-Ladin personifies and embodies my argument . He has founded organizations and formed coalitions amongst known terrorist groups which "advocate the destruction of the United States" . Furthermore, Bin-Ladin desires that: The ruling to kill Americans and their allies--civilians and military--is a duty for every Muslim. We--with God's help--call on every Muslim to kill Americans . The justification that Bin-Ladin submits is that Allah "orders us to carry out the holy struggle 'jihad' to raise the word of Allah above the words of the unbelievers." Bin-Ladin believes that "...Americans impose themselves on everyone who believes in his religion and his rights." Furthermore, he warns of the consequence that America will face whereas "...every day the Americans delay their departure, for every day they delay, they will receive a new corpse from Muslim countries" . Bin-Ladin is a man whose religious beliefs, along with his financial resources, provide him with the power necessary to create wars and terrorist violence. If there were an absence of heavenly decree in his actions, perhaps he would have no power, for he would lack a justifiable motive. Hence, this demonstrates the impact of religion on violence. In this specific instance, the violence is portrayed as a justifiable mean towards reaching the end of furthering religious beliefs. As a viable threat to America, the United States government must find avenues of deterrence to terminate the current and future terrorist activities of Bin-Ladin. Moreover, prior towards discussing options of deterrence, the threat of Bin-Ladin will first be expanded upon. It only seems logical to state that when someone is fighting for a cause on behalf of his religious beliefs, he is a greater threat then someone who is not. It would seem that the individual who is defending his religious beliefs would be more willing to lay down his life for his cause, because he is operating in a domain of loss.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Corrupt Societies Essay

In today’s society I find that a lot of people have become materialistic. It’s a new coach purse, the brand new cell phone from Verizon or a plasma screen TV that is the hype and everyone wants. Either way a person is to look at it, society is based on who has what. There is an emphasis on a person’s status in their society and it is very important. I always hear my boss saying â€Å"it’s all about the Benjamin’s! † and he’s right. Not a day goes by that a person doesn’t think about what they want to buy next. Does this make us bad people? Have we all succumbed to an unconscious norm that is all materialistic? What is it to be materialistic? The Webster definition is that a person is concerned with material wealth and possessions at the expense of spiritual or intellectual values. I see it as a person that wants something so much that they would stop at nothing to have it whether it is by means of purchasing, stealing or cheating someone else out of it. It’s about judging a book by its cover and not looking at the big picture of life and the world around us. When my mom was younger, things that were sought after were high diplomas and bachelors degree. Now as I grow up it’s a master’s degree and the BMW that I may drive that gives me a status in society. There are so many times when things are taken for granted and some people find nothing wrong with this. How can a person go on in life only wondering about if they can have that brand new car or cell phone? Do the things we have define who we are as a person? I feel that every society is corrupt in its own way. It’s the people, the government, our morals, values and our adaptive way of life. This is not just in fantasy books but in our real world as well. When I see how things have changed from when I was little I wonder how it all could have happened. I remember the first computer I ever got in my life and when I compare it to my laptop, it’s almost one eighth of what my whole computer used to be. But it’s not just the technology that has changed. Our perception of the world, the role we play in it and how that role has changed. Attitudes have changed and there is a difference between how people relate to each other.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Lake: Ocean and Lakes

A lake is a body of relatively still water of considerable size, localized in a basin, that is surrounded by land apart from a river, stream, or other form of moving water that serves to feed or drain the lake. Lakes are inland and not part of the ocean and therefore are distinct from lagoons, and are larger and deeper thanponds. [1][2] Lakes can be contrasted with rivers or streams, which are usually flowing. However most lakes are fed and drained by rivers and streams. Natural lakes are generally found in mountainous areas, rift zones, and areas with ongoing glaciation.Other lakes are found in endorheic basins or along the courses of mature rivers. In some parts of the world there are many lakes because of chaotic drainage patterns left over from the last Ice Age. All lakes are temporary over geologic time scales, as they will slowly fill in with sediments or spill out of the basin containing them. Many lakes are artificial and are constructed for industrial or agricultural use, fo r hydro-electric power generation or domestic water supply, or for aesthetic or recreational purposes. Lake, large, inland body of fresh or salty standing water.Lakes are distinguished from bodies of water such as bays and gulfs, and some seas, that have an interchange with the ocean and are subject to tides. Lake basins are formed by many geologic processes, such as buckling of stratified rock into large folds, displacement of large masses of rock by faults (see Fault), and blocking of valleys by landslides. Lakes also form by glaciation. Glaciers carve out large basins by scooping up bedrock and redistributing loose material. Many of the lakes of North America formed this way, including the Great Lakes and New York's Finger Lakes.The source of lake water is atmospheric precipitation that reaches the lake directly and by means of springs, brooks, and rivers. Lakes form and disappear over the course of varying lengths of geologic time (see Chronology). They may evaporate, as the cli mate becomes more arid, or they may fill up with sediment, leaving a bog or swamp in their place. In arid regions where precipitation is slight and evaporation great, lake levels rise and fall with the seasons and sometimes dry up for long periods. In lakes where evaporation prevents the water from overflowing the basin rims, substances dissolved in the water become concentrated.The dissolved matter, brought by tributary streams, varies in composition with the nature of the rocks in the local drainage system. The primary mineral constituent of salt lakes is common salt; bitter lakes contain sulfates; alkali lakes contain carbonates; borax lakes contain borates; and some lakes contain combinations of these substances. Lakes form at all altitudes and are distributed throughout the world. Almost one-half of the world's lakes are in Canada. Lakes are abundant in high latitudes, particularly in mountain regions subjected to glacial action.Many lakes are important commercially as sources of minerals and fish, as shipping arteries, and as vacation resorts. The largest lakes in the world include the Caspian Sea, Lake Superior, and Lake Victoria. The Dead Sea is the world's lowest lake, 408 m (1,340 ft) below sea level. The Caspian, the world's largest lake, covers an area of 370,998 sq km (143,243 sq mi). Lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake in the world, with a maximum OCEAN An ocean (from Ancient Greek (Okeanos); the World Ocean of classical antiquity[1]) is a body of saline water that composes much of a planet'shydrosphere.On Earth, an ocean is one or all of the major divisions of the planet's World Ocean – which are, in descending order of area, the Pacific,Atlantic, Indian, Southern (Antarctic), and Arctic Oceans. [3][4] The word sea is often used interchangeably with â€Å"ocean† in American English but, strictly speaking, a sea is a body of saline water (generally a division of the World Ocean) that land partly or fully encloses. [5] Earth is the only planet that is known to have an ocean (or any large amounts of open liquid water).Saline water covers approximately 72% of the planet's surface (~3.  6Ãâ€"108 km2) and is customarily divided into several principal oceans and smaller seas, with the ocean covering approximately 71% of the Earth's surface. [6]The ocean contains 97% of the Earth's water, and oceanographers have stated that only 5% of the World Ocean has been explored. [6] The total volume is approximately 1. 3 billion cubic kilometres (310 million cu mi)[7] with an average depth of 3,682 metres (12,080 ft). [8] The ocean principally comprises Earth's hydrosphere and therefore is integral toall known life, forms part of the carbon cycle, and influences climate and weatherpatterns.It is the habitat of 230,000 known species, although much of the ocean's depths remain unexplored, and over two million marine species are estimated to exist. [9] The origin of Earth's oceans remains unknown; oceans are believed t o have formed in the Hadean period and may have been the impetus for theemergence of life. Extraterrestrial oceans may be composed of water or other elements andcompounds. The only confirmed large stable bodies of extraterrestrial surface liquids are the lakes of Titan, although there is evidence for the existence of oceans elsewhere in the Solar System.Early in their geologic histories, Mars andVenus are theorized to have had large water oceans. The Mars ocean hypothesissuggests that nearly a third of the surface of Mars was once covered by water, and a runaway greenhouse effect may have boiled away the global ocean of Venus. Compounds such as salts and ammonia dissolved in water lower its freezing point, so that water might exist in large quantities in extraterrestrial environments as brine or convecting ice.Unconfirmed oceans are speculated beneath the surface of many dwarf planets and natural satellites; notably, the ocean of Europa is believed to have over twice the water volum e of Earth. The Solar System's gas giant planets are also believed to possess liquid atmosphericlayers of yet to be confirmed compositions. Oceans may also exist on exoplanetsand exomoons, including surface oceans of liquid water within a circumstellar habitable zone. Ocean planets are a hypothetical type of planet with a surface completely covered with liquid.Ocean and Oceanography, great body of salt water comprising all the oceans and seas that cover nearly three-fourths of the surface of the earth, and the scientific study of the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of the so-called world ocean. The major goals of oceanography are to understand the geologic and geochemical processes involved in the evolution and alteration of the ocean and its basin, to evaluate the interaction of the ocean and the atmosphere so that greater knowledge of climatic variations can be attained, and to describe how the biological productivity in the sea is controlled.The world ocean covers 71 p ercent of the earth’s surface, or about 361 million sq km (140 million sq mi). Its average depth is 5,000 m (16,000 ft), and its total volume is about 1,347,000,000 cu km (322,300,000 cu mi). The three major subdivisions of the world ocean are the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean, which are conventionally bounded by the continental masses (see Continent). The two minor subdivisions of the world ocean are the Southern Ocean, bounded by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to the north and Antarctica to the south, and the Arctic Ocean, almost landlocked except between Greenland and Europe.From the shorelines of the continents a submerged part of the continental mass, called the continental shelf, extends sea ward an average distance of 75 km (43 mi); it varies in width from nearly zero to 1,500 km (930 mi). The shelf gives way abruptly at a depth of about 200 m (660 ft) to a steeper zone known as the continental slope, which descends about 3,500 m (12,000 ft ). The continental rise, a gradually sloping zone of sediment that is considered part of the ocean bottom, extends about 600 km (370 mi) from the base of the continental slope to the flat abyssal plains of the deep-ocean floor.In the central parts of the oceans are the midocean ridges, which are extensive mountain chains with inner troughs that are heavily intersected by cracks, called fracture zones. The ridges are sections of a continuous system that winds for 60,000 km (40,000 mi) through all the oceans. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge extends from the Norwegian Sea through the volcanic islands of Iceland and the Azores to the South Atlantic, where it is equidistant from the African and South American coasts.The ridge continues into the Indian Ocean, with a branch that reaches into the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, then passes between Australia and Antarctica and into the eastern South Pacific. The East Pacific Rise extends north to the Gulf of California; Easter Island and the Galapagos are volcanic islands that are part of this submarine mountain chain. The ridge system seems to merge into the continents in several areas, such as the Red Sea and the Gulf of California, and such areas are regions of great geologic activity, characterized by volcanoes, or earthquakes and faults (see Earthquake; Fault; Volcano).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Femicide in Guatemala Essay

Femicide in Guatemala â€Å"Six women and girls were killed in Guatemala last week in one day alone. Two of the girls, about 6 and 12 years old, were found strangled to death in a street in the capital Guatemala City wearing their pajamas† (Moloney 1). Guatemala has the third highest rate of Femicide in the world. Femicide is defined as the killing of a woman by a man because she is a female. In Guatemala, a significantly high number of femicide cases have been reported and I strongly believe that this is a very troublesome and unhealthy issue for the population. More than 3800 females have been murdered in Guatemala since the year 2000 and this is just the official number. This clearly suggests that numerous innocent women are tortured and killed by men each day throughout the region. Another report suggests that 512 women were killed between January 1 and October 16 in the year 2012 alone and this is after a 10 percent decline from the previous year. (PCUSA, 1) Most of these cases were reported in the province of Guatemala, which includes the country’s largest city and capital. The fact that this number is still so high despite the drop suggests what an urgent issue this is. There are various reasons for this violent victimization of women throughout Guatemala and is becoming an increasingly pressing issue which needs serious attention. It has been reported that this region is one of the unsafe areas in the world for women. Each day countless women are raped, mutated, forced into sexual slavery and abortions, sterilized and murdered. This creates a sense of fear among the entire population and makes them more submissive to this brutality. Men and women throughout the country live their lives in immense anxiety and stress of losing the women that they love. One of the main concerns regarding femicide is impunity, meaning that most of these cases are not brought to trial. Reports suggest that only 1%-2% of femicide cases are prosecuted whereas criminals have a 98% to 99% chance of completely escaping any punishment or prosecution. This poses a huge problem because women don’t get the justice that they deserve and criminals easily escape. This is very unfair for the innocent women who are victims of such crimes because their offenders don’t receive the punishment that they deserve. Another main reason for this exigent issue is the inability of the Guatemalan authorities to ensure the safety of women. This is to say that the Guatemalan government is so corrupt that they are unable to provide security for women and with the extremely high rate of impunity it is almost impossible for women to find justice. Now, it is very important to understand why these gender specific crimes exist in the region. One of the main reasons for this violent targeting of women goes back to the â€Å"Guatemalan government and military’s 36 year old genocidal counterinsurgency campaign against the country’s Mayan population† (Mychalejko 1). This is to say that the reason behind this problem of femicide exists to destroy the intricate social bonds of Mayan communities. Additionally, â€Å"Gender violence not only terrorizes women in the community, but it also disrupts traditional patriarchal gender relations by sending the message to men that they are not capable of protecting women† (Mychalejko 1). I find this medium of using gender violence to target an indigenous population very disappointing. It is not ethical for a population to kill thousands of women in order to get even with a community. Further, it is believed that this harsh behavior against women is really effecting the male population because such incidents happen so frequently that they are becoming insensitive to such incidents. Men in the Guatemalan society have become normalized to such reports and this can be seen because the crimes are continuing to become more inhumane and frequent. As mentioned above, one of the primary reasons for this ongoing violence against women is the Guatemalan Civil war, which left behind harsh memories of violence and impunity. The increased militarization cause by the ongoing war on drugs also continues to contribute to these high femicide rates. Guatemala is one of the regions strongly involved in the drug trade and thus women are used as collateral damage in the battle between gangs. Additionally, the economic and political climate in the region is not very stable and thus the land a resource conflict also contributes to these innocent deaths. Lastly, it has also been found that the increased involvement of foreign governments, especially US and Canada play an important role in this violence targeted to women. Basically, the Guatemalan government uses the targeting of women as a â€Å"tactical and deliberate tool of political repression (Mychalejko 2). In my personal opinion, not only is this very disturbing but it is also very unfair. Women play an important role in building a society and this unnecessary violence against them is very alarming. Using women as a bait to target the bigger economic and political issues is unethical and should not be practiced by any government. It is impossible for women to find hope and justice in a society where such high impunity exists. This continues to be a never-ending cycle for thousands of innocent women who lose their lives, while the people responsible are let free. Overall this is an absolute shame and mockery of the system. The Guatemalan civil war really contributes to these high rates of gender violence in the country. The aftermath of the war left more than 200,000 Guatemalans murdered, most of who were indigenous. Also, thousands were raped, tortured, disappeared and displaced. The most disappointing part however, is that over 98 percent of the people who engaged in these war crimes were left free. It is this lack of justice that left criminals in the country in power and innocent victims hurt. Therefore, these high rates of femicide are to inform the local population about this harsh past and to remind them that justice has not yet come. In conclusion, I think that we must all focus our attention to this increasing issue of femicide in Guatemala. In the recent times, as the political repression against women in increasing, they are becoming more active in order to prevent femicide. For example, â€Å"In Guatemala it has been proven that as more women participate politically and socially, it brings out more repression. An example is the recent attempt on the life of [the aforementioned anti-mining activist] Yolanda Oqueli† (Mychalejko 3). Yolanda is a leader of FRENAM, a movement that aims to defend land from expansion activities. She was returning home from a peaceful protest when she was shot. I believe that this issue of femicide is one that needs immediate attention. It is absolutely wrong and immoral to use a country’s women as a way of gaining political control. Additionally, the Guatemalan government is extremely corrupted and has a very high rate of impunity, which in turn, allows criminals to go free and possibly even commit the crime again. I suggest that the citizens of the world acknowledge this and do an intervention throughout the region. It is high time that women not be used as a bait to target men or to settle past scores. Women are an integral part of any society and deserve respect and security.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Novel Analysis: Love in the Time of Cholera

Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the greatest authors in world literature.   This Nobel Laureate came from Latin America, but his novels have been acclaimed all over the world.   One of those novels is Love in the Time of Cholera.   Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a remarkable novel that renders love as an illness.   In addition, the story reaffirms the presence of love through romanticism, and declares its absence through a rational point of view. Love in the Time of Cholera is about the enduring love story between Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza.   Florentino first encountered Fermina when he delivered a telegram to Lorenzo Daza, Fermina’s father (Trainor).   Florentino fell in love with her and soon the young lovers were exchanging love letters (Trainor).   However, the discovery of their relationship brought the couple apart.   Fermina was expelled from school because she was found writing love letters, and her father also saw love letters in her room that prompted him to take Fermina on a long trip to forget about Florentino (Trainor). After a long absence, Fermina returns as a beautiful, full-grown woman.   She has forgotten about Florentino, and at their encounter upon her arrival, she asks him to â€Å"forget it† (qtd. in Couteau).   In turn, he tries to win her back, but his efforts were futile (Trainor).   In time, Fermina marries renowned Dr. Juvenal Urbino.   This deeply affected Florentino, and he vowed to win Fermina back no matter how long it takes. Indeed, after fifty-one years, nine months and four days, Florentino got his opportunity (Couteau).   Dr. Urbino died when he fell from a ladder in an attempt to save his parrot (Trainor).   At the doctor's funeral, Florentino wasted no time in telling Fermina his feelings toward her (Trainor).   This angered Fermina, and she tells him to leave (Trainor).   The funeral incident was soon followed by the exchange of letters, and the two lovers resume their romantic relationship (Trainor).   In the end, Florentino and Fermina go on a river voyage (Trainor). Cholera may be the implied disease in the title, but the story presents love as the real illness.   The manifestation of love as a sickness is best embodied by the character of Florentino.   He is so engrossed with his love for Fermina that it eventually proves detrimental to his health.   In the second chapter of the novel, Florentino's homeopath godfather mistakenly assessed his sickness as cholera, when he was merely exhibiting symptoms of love sickness (Trainor). In the same chapter, Florentino also consumed flowers and cologne which made him vomit (Trainor).   The emotional anguish he feels over his unrequited love for Fermina is translated into physical suffering (Trainor).   Therefore, love is an illness because its effects prove to be harmful to one's physical and emotional state, as exemplified by Florentino. The story also shows the presence and absence of love, as personified by the two men in Fermina's life: Florentino and Dr. Urbino.   Florentino is the romantic, as he is possessed with so much love for Fermina that he spends his entire life in winning her affection.   On the other hand, Dr. Urbino, is the rational.   He may be Fermina's husband, but their relationship was founded on respect, instead of love. Florentino fell in love with Fermina at a young age, and remained preoccupied with that love throughout his life.   The extremity of his love for her even left him unable to write a decent business letter; this is because all he could write were letters for her (Trainor).   Moreover, when he is sent to jail because of his violin serenade, he feels a sense of martyrdom (Trainor).   Lastly, when Lorenzo attempts to kill him, Florentino declares that it is a noble thing to die for love. Despite his claim that he had saved his virginity for her, Florentino had 622 sexual relations with numerous women (Couteau).   However, sex was only a means to deal with his longing for Fermina (Trainor).   He may have been physically disloyal, but he was emotionally faithful to her. In contrast, Dr. Juvenal Urbino is the rational.   He is not overcome with emotions like Florentino, and everything he does follows logic.   He marries Fermina, even though he acknowledges the absurdity of such union (Penguin Group).   His notion of love is logical, and rejects love as â€Å"unruly passion† (qtd. in Penguin Group).  Ã‚   For him, love is a mere â€Å"invention,† a feeling that one can evoke on purpose (Penguin Group).   It is therefore no surprise that theirs was not happy marriage, which Dr. Urbino did not mind at all.   This is because instead of happiness, he values stability in marriage (Penguin Group). As opposed to the affectionate and emotional character of Florentino, Dr. Urbino is rigid and passionless.   The two men may be extremely different in terms of characteristics, but both were disloyal to Fermina.   Dr. Urbino had an affair with a woman named Barbara Lynch during his marriage to Fermina (Trainor). Fermina strikes the balance between the two men.   As a young lady, she reciprocates Florentino's affections with equal enthusiasm.   However, after the trip, she assumed a more mature stance in life which made her reject him.   Her marriage to Dr. Urbino is a logical step, since she married for convenience instead of love (Couteau).   After her husband dies, she again honors her emotions and embarks on a river cruise with Florentino. Gabriel Garcia Marquez artfully depicted love as an illness in his novel.   He described how love's intensity can affect one's own physical and mental state.   Moreover, he renders love through romanticism, and shows how rationality is devoid of it.   Indeed, Love in the Time of Cholera is a great novel, as it reveals love and its many aspects. Works Cited Couteau, Rob. â€Å"Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.† Arete December 1988. Penguin Group USA. 19 February 2008 . Trainor, Katherine. Sparknote on Love in the Time of Cholera. 19 February 2008 .

Assessment of the Parenting Problems in Society

Assessment of the Parenting Problems in Society Parents Just Dont Understand Before Will Smith started his big solo career as a rap artist, he and his friend, Jazzy Jeff, had a song called, Parents Just Dont Understand. It was a big hit, particularly for youth. The song was about how parents just didnt understand the trends and the way life was in those days for kids. Smith told about situations he had with his parents and his audience could easily relate to these situations, thus, making the song a hit. Smith was right on track with part of his message. Parents just dont understand. They do not understand that their job as parents is to pay attention to how they raise their children. Though there are parents who do a wonderful job raising their children, many parents neglect their responsibility in child development. In this paper, the following will be discussed: the diversion the government makes in the operation of parental duties when it steps in to discipline a young person, and the parents teaching discipline in values and morals. There are times when government action prevents parents from developing the child themselves. According to Liz Seymour, Los Angeles Times staff writer, one instance involves a high school senior. He was not caught with enough marijuana after being pulled over to receive a citation, but his school decided to transfer him to another school 89 days before graduation (Seymour B2). After his parents took the issue to court and won, the senior stayed and did not transfer. The punishment exceeded the severity of the crime. Why did the school system think that exporting this student would help his life and education? A new school will not solve a drug problem. Another case in St. Petersburg reflects another situation with a school. Greg Hamilton composed an article in the Citrus Times that was about a 13-year-old who refused to attend school. After numerous attempts were taken by the court and his mother to keep the child in school, the problem had not been resolved. The court even went so f ar as to try to reach the child by threatening his mother with jail time if she did not keep him in school. Eventually, the child was placed in juvenile detention for a few days and the mother had a weekend vacation in the pen. Did this action help the childs problem? Though there is no definite answer, the verdict may have been a waste of time. As Hamilton puts it, Where is the line between societys role in the raising of a child and that of the parent? (Hamilton 1). It seems the punishment just covered up the problem instead of correcting it. One question: where is the child now? In response to an editorial in The Columbus Dispatch, Marjorie Renspie voiced her opinion stating that parents should be given the chance to raise their children (12A). The situation involved a teen who had done some things that made him a criminal in societys eyes, and the court sent him to a juvenile detention center in Jamaica. Renspie felt that shipping the delinquent to Jamaica prevented the opportun ity for the parents to work with him. Her main argument was that the key influence a child has is its parents. The parents, in Renspies eyes, were the ones who could help this kid and sending him off would not help at all (12A). The parent should raise the child, not society. Yet, in spite of this great idea, still parents do not do the job. Amongst the obstacles parents encounter while developing their children, they overlook a few things in the process. Parents have neglected teaching their children discipline. In the case of the child who refused to attend school, the mother had neglected to teach her son the importance of school attendance. To fill the gap the parent left, the judges rule was so that they would be accountable for themselves (Hamilton 1). Recall the marijuana senior. His parents had not taught him the dangers of drugs and had not engrained in him the discipline to stay away from drugs. Both instances are examples in which the parents had not done their job and society had to step in. Parents simply need to teach discipline. Along with teaching discipline, parents should attend to teaching values and morals so they are not neglected. Hamilton writes that the people who leave their children to be raised by other adults in such things as Little League, school, and church, expect to have all manner of social graces, work ethic, and values instilled in their kids, and will stand ready to jump on the person if it is not done (Hamilton 1). Hamiltons concept: the parents deliberately neglect their role. Why is it that parents think that they can just get away with doing their job? If they are responsible enough to bring the child into the world, they should be responsible enough to teach it and raise it properly. By teaching values and morals, the child will most likely grow up generally feeling better about who they are. The child values itself, and has a sense of self-worth. No longer will the child feel apt to throw their life around as if it is a joke, rather something of value not to take for granted. In M arjorie Renspies letter to the editor, she claims that using drugs, driving recklessly, taking no responsibility for ones well-being and being a threat to society as well as to ones family are much more serious problems (12A). She was leaning towards the severity of the actions of children in the past. Actions in the past included stealing cars, serious vandalism, and other similar instances. For bad seed youth, the roots to their problems start with the individuals themselves. From there, it branches out to worse things. Both the root and branches can be signs of underdevelopment. Here is where the parent receives a sign telling them their work is not good enough. It is clear that there are times when society gets in the parents way of raising their child, yet in the midst of that, the parent misses the parts of teaching discipline, morals and values. The popular saying goes like this: It takes a village to raise a child. However, the village can get in the parents way and then there are problems. The parent should have the most impact in raising a child. Society can be there for nurturing, but the main job should be done by the parents. And that is what is missing in the world today. Parents are not doing their job.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Department of Homeland Security - Immigration enforcement Case Study

Department of Homeland Security - Immigration enforcement - Case Study Example However, the involvement of the state and local agencies might imply the difference achievement and malfunction in the enforcement of immigration laws. Nonetheless, the assistance provided by state and local police in enforcing immigration laws is deemed totally voluntary. This is so because there is neither a provision in the United States code nor the code of federal regulations that require the local law enforcing agencies to assign any resources towards enforcing federal immigration laws. Local enforcement of immigration laws has proved to be important as it has helped in capturing suspected terrorists during arresting of alien people. Thus, the role played by state and local authorities in enforcing immigration can never be overstated as they are the eyes and ears of law enforcement which keep the country secure. This can be attributed to the fact that there is a considerable number of officers who first come into contact with aliens in traffic stops, as well as in other law enforcement conditions. The state and local authorities assist in migration law enforcement mostly within the following scenarios: Arrests of Absconders: in the US there are now over 400,000 absconders who are aliens who have gone through court and disobeyed the last order of removal. The absconder issues have gone against the rule of law in as far as immigration is concerned. Several absconders have engaged in criminal activities apart from their initial immigration violation. Hence, it is the work of the state and local authorities to arrest these absconders. Enforcement in remote as well as underserved areas: due to bureau of immigration customs enforcement agents, who are usually thinly spread all over the country, some states experience substantial unlawful immigration without adequate enforcement attention from the particular BICE officials. Such areas may be not

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Behavioral Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Behavioral Economics - Essay Example Generally beliefs concerning the uncertain events are expressed by statements like "I think thator chances are etc. These are sometimes expressed in numerical form as odd or subjective probabilities. Heuristics are simple, efficient rules, fine-tuned by evolutionary processes or learned, which have been proposed to explain how people make decisions, judgments and solve problems, typically when facing serious problems or in case of inadequate information (Tversky, Kahneman,1124). People often follow a limited number of heuristic principles in day-to-day life, which reduces the process of assessing values and probabilities to much more simple judgmental operations. These heuristics are very useful but at times can leads to severe and systematic errors (Tversky, Kahneman, 1124). In case of representative heuristics (Tversky and Kahneman, 1126), the likelihood of an event is judged based upon the extent to which it represents the essential features of the parent population or the generating process. Representative heuristic is generally used by people to make judgment or impression about someone or something. (Koning, 1) It is usually employed while deciding the probability whether or not an object or event A belongs to class or process B. (Tversky and Kahneman, 1131) For illustration of representative heurist... he example of Steve who has been described by his neighbor as "very shy and withdrawn, invariably helpful but with little interest in people or in world of reality. A meek and tidy soul, he has a need for order and structure and a passion for detail. How are people going to judge the possible occupation of Steve from a list of possibilities (e.g. farmer, salesman, librarian, airline pilot or physician) In the representative heuristic, the probability of is assessed by the degree to which he is representative of, or similar to, in this case say a librarian, the stereotype of a librarian. Research with similar type of problems shows that probability and similarity plays equal important role in case of occupation of people. This method of arriving at a particular decision based on the similarity or the representativeness leads to erroneous results affecting the ultimate outcome because similarity is not influenced by the factors which influence judgment probability (Tversky and Kahneman , 1131). There are some drawbacks of representative heuristic which can be rectified by considering the following parameters. Insensitivity to prior probability of outcomes (Base-rate neglect): The base rate fallacy, also called base rate neglect, is an error that occurs when the conditional probability of some hypothesis given some evidence is assessed without taking sufficient account of the "base rate" or "prior probability" of hypothesis (Wikipedia). The prior probability or base-rate frequency of the final decision has a great deal of effect on the probability. In the above example, the fact that there are many more farmers than librarians in the population should be considered while judging, for an estimation of probability that Steve is a librarian rather than a farmer. People tend

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Nondiscrimination Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nondiscrimination Paper - Essay Example This would probably exclude, however, private institutions, which can indeed stipulate their own rules. In this case, the free exercise issue would not be a strong argument for the university. [79 words] 1. When may colleges and universities legally regulate the distribution by students of material that some students, faculty, or community members would find offensive See generally the Student Edition Sections 9.3.3, 9.3.5, and 9.3.6. Do private institutions have more latitude in such regulation than public institutions See generally the Student Edition Section 9.3.6. Generally, free speech is not prohibited. The only time a college or university may regulate offensive material is if the material is illegal speech, i.e., it has the ability to incite a riot. Private institutions have no more latitude over such regulation in this matter than public institutions do; this is the legal judgment on such an issue. Otherwise, anything else is permissible-even, perhaps shockingly, hate speech. [68 words] 2.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Melting of the Polar Ice Caps Research Paper

The Melting of the Polar Ice Caps - Research Paper Example Without a doubt, the earth’s climate has changed over the years. Though most of these changes could be attributed to variations in the orbit of the earth which lead to changes in energy from the sun that reaches the earth’s surface, current trends suggest that most of these effects are as a result of anthropogenic activities and processes over time. With the advent of technology, data collection and analysis are rarely inconclusive. This becomes possible through the use of satellites that go round the earth’s orbit in successions collecting a wide array of information on the earth and the ever dynamic climate. The study and analysis of this climatic data has always given evidence to the occurrence of global warming (Patterson 19). Rapid increase of temperature over time is an example. Temperature increase has mostly been experienced in the 1970s. The warmest 20 years got recorded to have occurred after 1981, while the warmest 10 years got recorded in the past 12 years. Though the 2000s experienced a stint of solar output reduction that led to a sharp solar minimum especially between 2007 and 2009, surface temperature kept rising. Most of this unprecedented heat gets absorbed by the water bodies. Lakes and oceans take up most of this energy with the upmost 700 meters of ocean water indicating warming of about 0.302 degree Fahrenheit in 20 years (Vardiman 12). Ocean acidification is also an indication of global warming to some extent. Due to the Industrial Revolution, the acidity of the surface water has risen by over 30 percent. This becomes largely attributed to the rampant emission of green house gases like methane and carbon dioxide into the air, which gets later taken up by the surface water. Recent trends have shown that the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the topmost layer of surface waters is increasing by over 2 billion tons each year. The concept of how green house gases cause global warming gets largely misunderstood. The larg est bulk of green house gases gets taken up by carbon dioxide. These gases do not prevent radiation from getting to the earth’s surface due to the short wavelength of light. Upon reaching the surface of the earth, some of the radiation gets absorbed by the earth’s surface and surface water bodies. What gets left of the radiation gets reflected back to the atmosphere. When solar radiation gets radiated back to the surface, it usually has a longer wavelength. As a result, it cannot penetrate the green house gases in the atmosphere thereby getting trapped. This leads to increase in atmospheric temperature (Maslin 99). Carbon dioxide atmospheric concentration levels have risen from an average of 270 parts per million (ppm) to the current 380 parts per million (ppm), a sharp increase of 30 percent. Methane gas also contributes to global warming. It is much lethal compared to other green house gases and exists in lower concentrations in the atmosphere. The melting of glacier s gets directly attributed to global warming. Though melting of glaciers is a natural process, the rate of glacial melt has been increasing rapidly. The fresh snow that gets formed is not adequate enough to replace the rapidly melting snow. The size of the glaciers keeps reducing. As surface temperatures keep increasing, it is only natural that the

Monday, September 9, 2019

What the word success means to me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What the word success means to me - Essay Example Being a teenage mom, who have yet to finish high school, meant unemployment. Not completing high school can lead to a life full of hardships for both myself and my child; given that high school diploma is the usual requirement in any job, and usually it is the low-skill, low-compensation ones (Cooper 4). It had been a struggle to joggle time, mind, and body between motherhood and teen hood. Though growing fast had been the consequence of my actions, I had opted to do the opposite. Taking things slow and learning to absorb every experience as if I had been reborn. This is one of the few hurdles I managed to be triumphed. I have decided stop sauntering my way through life. It had dawned on me that the fun is not about the catching; instead, it is in the chasing that one feels to be the true meaning of success. I achieved one goal after another and have never failed to push myself further until I have gotten a degree in statistics. As my hands firmly grasped my diploma and the tiny hands of my child, I now take every step with a grin on my face, knowing I can conquer anything. I had conquered everything before. My views in life are now clearer than ever. My steps begin to be more precise. Now I have goals in my mind that will commence my journey (and the journey of my child) to a better life. John Wooden once said: The thrill of the chase, of not knowing what is going to happen next, the what-ifs, and the endless possibilities that come with it excite me, fuel me to go on and continue to improve my life. Once I realize I have achieved a goal, I immediately strive to set new heights to reach to get that same thrill over and over and over†¦ Others consider success as an upshot wrapped up in many costly things; however, I consider that success coincides with striving and vigorous efforts, that is, with meaningful living. The moment a person decides to open his or her eyes, breathe, and face

Sunday, September 8, 2019

LLB UNIT 10 SUCCESSION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

LLB UNIT 10 SUCCESSION - Essay Example Henry and Len call in to see you and ask the following questions:- Having died without leaving a will or without having made a valid will, Mrs Mould will be considered to have died intestate and therefore the rules of intestacy governed by the Administration of Estates Act 1925 (as amended) and the Intestates Act, 1952 (and various other amendments contained in the Family Provision Act, 1966, The Family Law Reform Act, 1969 and The Family Provision (Intestate Succession) Order, 1972) apply to her estate, which is worth approximately 238,000. By not leaving a will any wishes Mrs Mould had for the allocation of her estate to friends, relatives and other beneficiaries will be ignored. How the estate will be allocated depends on the value of the estate and the deceased's family circumstances. The law in this area is concerned with bloodlines, rather than merit, or the verbally expressed will of the intestate. Not only does it recognise human improvidence, but also that calamities and unfairness occurs within human affairs. It sets out to ensure that there is no discrimination on personal whim. It is not concerned with blame. Due to the increasing complexity of family trees, this area can become ripe for litigation. However, Mrs Mould could be described as being from a 'once-normal nuclear family' where the bloodlines are easily ascertained. If there is both a spouse and children then all personal poss... 2. Surviving children (referred to as 'issue'). 3. Surviving parents. 4. Surviving brothers and sisters of whole blood ie having the same biological parents. 5. Surviving relations of a lesser degree. In the event that the surviving spouse is the only living relative of the deceased (ie no parents or siblings of whole blood), then the estate passes absolutely to that spouse. If there is both a spouse and children then all personal possessions (except business property) and the first 125,000 goes to the remaining spouse free of death duty (inheritance tax) and costs absolutely, with (if possible) interest. The remaining spouse is also entitled to a life interest in half of the residue which is to be invested in a trust from which the spouse will receive income during his/her lifetime. The remaining property then goes to the children via 'statutory trusts'. The definition of 'Statutory trusts' can be found in s.47 Administration of Estates Act 1925. The deceased's property will be held in equal shares for all 'living' (including unborn) children of the estate. On the death of the remaining spouse the children automatically inherit the remaining capital once they reach their majority, ie under current UK law, the child either attains the age of eighteen and/or marries before that age. If there are children but no spouse the estate is shared equally among the children via a statutory trust. Importantly, the child or children of any deceased child (ie grandchildren) will get the share of their deceased parent and if more than one, in equal shares. Where the only remaining relatives are the spouse and whole blood relatives as described above, then the spouse inherits all personal chattels, the first 200,000 plus a life-interest in half of the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Press release event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Press release event - Essay Example Buses will leave for Bradford Woods from the School of Public Health – Bloomington building, on Oct 15th @ 8am. Culture of Care emphasizes the Bystander Intervention Mechanism to help students demonstrate care for one another. The program encourages them to adopt an active approach for the delivery of care to other members of the society, as this is essential to overcome the obstacles that arise due to the more prevalent Bystander Effect. Many of us are well-aware of the reluctance that is demonstrated by our people regarding performance of social duties. Considering every social responsibility to be the duty of others is the primary reason behind the Bystander Effect; a phenomenon that is detrimental to our society as a whole. This encouragement program targets Hoosiers to rise to the occasion and have the courage to care, by learning about overcoming the Bystander Effect. Goal of the retreat is to answer questions pertaining to what, why and how this initiative is important. The topics pertaining to social and psychological well-being are of the highest priority and will be addressed accordingly. The aim is to bring about a positive change in the behaviors of the members of the society by educating them in a way that is informal yet contributory towards the learning of the society as a whole. Being the first-ever retreat hosted by this initiative, the event will inspire fresh ideas brought forward by students to make the campus a safer place for all. Revolving around the notion of Bystander Effect, the activity will seek to find answer to questions

Friday, September 6, 2019

Global Economy Essay Example for Free

Global Economy Essay Below is a list of essay questions, the ONE question that you will be required to write on will be chosen from the list below. 1. Identify a current international political or economic issue and write on the cause(s) and impact globally. (500 word limit) 2. Select one project you have worked on in the past and write an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the execution, including an assessment of your own contribution. (500 word limit) 3. Identify a key industry leader in Nigeria today and give reasons why you admire this person and outline the person’s contributions to the economy and society. 4. What is the relevance of the MBA degree in the current business environment? Is the degree necessary for success? If you miss this examination or would like to do the GMAT instead, you have until June 28, 2013 to submit your GMAT score in order to have an interview scheduled for you. For details of the GMAT, please visit www. mba. com I wish you all the best. Regards, Nubi Achebo (Dr. ) MBA Director

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Hard and Soft System Methodology

Hard and Soft System Methodology Introduction There are two systems thinking namely hard and soft which are used to solve the problems. Peter Checkland (1981) suggested that Hard system thinking which is identified in system engineering and system analysis has the starting point in structured problems and assumes that the objectives of the system are clear and stable. This system thinking has a formulated way to solve the real world problems. On the other hand, Soft system thinking which attempts to structure a debate about actions in problem solving has the start point in unstructured problems within social activity systems.      Ã‚   Fixitup Toys limited is a manufacturer of toys which produces outdoor and indoor games, self-assembly models and toy soldiers. There has been some concern about their rising cost of manufacture and consideration has been given to the outsourcing of some or part of the production. The vision of the Fixitup senior management team is to optimize manufacture processing to produce the highest quality and most advanced products by using E-business conforming to the lean manufacturing principles and integrating into their established QAD Application. In order to achieve these goals, we need to apply the principles of lean manufacturing. There are several key lean manufacturing principles including: Understand value in the eyes of the customer. Achieve perfect first-time quality. Continue improvement. Respect for humanity. Create pull. (Asefeso, 2011) After Gathering information from all aspects of the company the following steps will be taken: As can be seen, the Rich Picture is an unstructured way of capturing information flows, communication and human activity to represent complex problems and identify possible routes through to their solution (Berg, 2013). Avison and Fitzgerald (2003) stated that the Rich Picture is helpful since: 1. Lack of space on the paper forces decisions on what is really important. 2. It helps people to visualize and discuss their own role in the organization. 3. It helps defining the aspects of the organization which are intended to be covered by the information system. 4. It helps showing up the worries of individuals, potential conflicts, and political issues. (Avison Fitzgerald, 2003) With reference to the Rich Picture, there are following problems in Fixitup. Since about 74% of customers saw the service and quality as moderate or worse, the issue of quality of products must be considered. Further, a powerful information system helps different level managements for planning, decision making, target setting and their implementations (Stephanou, 1982).Therefore, quality control system and information management system are important and they will be discussed. Resource Resource Investment Requirement: Comments: VOC was not heard because there was no effective communication between the company and its customers. Remarks: By establishing a design department and integrating this department with the marketing department the customer feedback can be incorporated into the design. Comments: Lack of checklists caused the absence of the systematic process of QC hence, the chances of defects being ignored is considerably high. Actions: The design department and the quality team will be integrated to prepare checklists according to the quality required. Comments: Since there was no analysis of the defective products, the defects were being ignored therefore they were persistent. Actions: Train a quality control team who will be responsible for doing analysis, recording data and providing feedback. Comments: There was no coherence between the departments to respond to the quality issues. Actions: Develop communication channels between the supervisors and the technical, procurement and design departments in order to create coherence towards quality improvement. Comments: There was no system for controlling and monitoring the Quality Control Process. Actions: Train the factory manager on the QC process and how he should intervene in terms of analysing quality data and controlling the system. He will seek technical advice from technical, procurement and design department for a better monitoring of the system. Comments: Monitoring and evaluation of the information system are missing. Actions: Helen who is responsible for Internal Affairs and George can be trained for the information system and perform monitoring the system. Conclusion There are different problems in Fixitup which resulted in dissatisfaction of the customers. Due to having permanently relevance and also being expected to map on to an organizational boundary, the transformation from inefficient manufacturing to efficient manufacturing which has marketable products is assumed as the primary task process (Wilson and Van Haperen, 2015). Although discrimination between primary task- based and issue-based is often debatable, it seems quality control and information management systems are issue-based which help the primary task to be carried out (Waring, 1996). The current strategy of Fixitup is to optimize manufacture processing to produce the highest quality and most advanced products by using E-business conforming to the lean manufacturing principles and integrating into their established QAD Application. After drawing the rich picture the main problems of the organization were revealed. The strategic construct which was used was classification schemes of issues which helped to identify the differentiating characteristics necessary to improve quality control and information management systems (Verma and Boyer, 2000). Further, the system construct used for quality control was input and output; modelling of such system involves modelling of each process separately considering the connection between them (Apolloni, Howlett and Jain, 2007). In addition, the system construct used for information management system was integrated elements; in which different elements including communication, information and resources were integrated for the suc cess of the system (Khan and Burn, 2013). Otley and Berry (1980) argued that four conditions must be satisfied before any process can be said to be controlled. In the existing situation there was no one responsible for monitoring the systems and consequently, there was no capacity to take corrective actions (Emmanuel, Otley and Merchant, 2013).However, in the proposed systems, George and Helen were nominated to monitor the systems. To sum up, the details of the two systems will be discussed in the following tables. System name and type Quality Control Process; The input and output system construct. Role of information Due to lack of information about the requirements of customers and standard criteria set by the management, the products were just inspected for the appearance by the operators. Therefore, the application of information which was vital to improve the quality of products was missing and consequently the reputation of the factory was being worsening. Information needed to develop In order to use the information to improve the quality of products we need to know: Quality Criteria: After hearing the voice of customers and considering the strategy of the company the criteria for quality of products such as weight, shape and material should be prepared in a simple format. Training of Workers: There was no information about the training of operators and even management in terms of quality control. Historic quality data: The historic quality data including survey reports, the number of different products produced, the number of return items should be available for better assessment of the quality of products. Coherence between QC and departments: There was no information as any department is dealing with quality matters. Further, there was no information about communication between operators and departments, if any, in terms of quality of products. More information is needed to evaluate the possibility of automating the QC department. Intervention In order to solve the problem of quality of products the following actions are suggested: Develop a design department and integrate this department with the marketing department so that the customer feedback can be incorporated into the design. The design department and the quality team should be integrated to prepare a checklist according to the quality required. The quality control team will be responsible for doing analysis, record data and providing feedback. Develop a communication channel between the supervisor and the relevant technical departments in order to create coherence towards quality improvement. Factory manager should intervene in terms of analysing quality data and control the system. Risks Even after the intervention, the following risk associated with quality of products exist: Even after the successful QC audit, there is a chance that the toys will break while transferring/ packing. The Technical and procurement departments might not react to the QC feedback. There might be a friction between the Factory manager and the design team in terms of accepting innovative designs. There might be dissatisfaction of factory workers due to job enrichment without a pay increase. Cost Benefit Analysis In order to assign a monetary value to the benefits, we need more information to predict the revenue accurately as well as intangible benefits (, 2016). Having good quality products will result in increasing the loyalty of existing customers and acquisition of new customers and consequently, it will increase the revenue. In contrast, the firm may incur some costs to apply the changes. In this case, we do not have enough information about the existing departments and the expertise of employees. Assuming that none of the employees